OOOEEE!!! Meeting Jim Kelly

I just got the opportunity to meet Jim Kelly, one the best martial artists in the world and star of many classic action films. He’s a real cool down to earth cat who took time to talk with me. I was so star struck, I reverted to childhood, my voice even got all high and shit. What was the coolest thing about our talk was that Jim is such a humble man, rather than go on about himself, he was very interested in what I was doing. In addition to the picture he posed for with me, I also got an autographed 8×10 from Three The Hard Way. For those who haven’t seen it, check it out. I’ve embedded a clip below; if it seems familiar, Keenan Ivory Wayans and the late Steve James paid homage to it in I’m Gonna Git You Sucka.
UPDATE: Jim Kelly’s Official Facebook Page is now online at! Got it from the man himself, you can’t get more verified than that.
If the embedded video doesn’t load, click to watch Mister Keyes (Jim Kelly) vs. Racist Pigs at YouTube.
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